Prenatal Visits
Prenatal Visits is used within all prenatal clinics throughout the world to document and manage key pregnancy details for the visit.

Historical Partogram
The Historical Partogram is a PDF that displays the documented data for a patient’s previous labor and delivery.
Würth Job Description Builder
Wurth JD Creator was a job description web based application for clients internal use to create the candidate search experience smoother.
EarlySalary (Now known as fibe.in)
EarlySalary is a finance app that let's you borrow your salary earlier than the payday.
mBill - mbillapp.com
A Mobile Billing app for easy bill creation and maintaining business records on a phone.
Grocery 2 Door is an online grocery shopping mobile app that lets users order daily grocery like eggs and bread through local shopkeepers.

SkinSpace is a skin clinic which lauched its app to help its customers be tracked with appointments and also create a space for users to be linked with the clinicians and browse skincare products on the app.
Okademi is an educational app with access to online classes and advanced search filters to help users navigate to specific courses.