What is Prenatal Visits?
The Prenatal Visits Component is used within all prenatal clinics throughout the world to document and manage key pregnancy details for the visit.
Problem Statement
Uplifting the application maintaining the card and flowsheet workflow, uplifting the design and resolving all the current issues being faced by the users.
Who are the users and what are they saying?
Screenshots from Older Design
The card view consists of a Timeline with the Visit dates and corresponding card with the documented information.

The Flowsheet view is a tabular representation of the

Usability Requirements
Ensure the component is responsive to the screen size and documentation is visible without scrolling
Uplift the component in a way that it could eventually be directly charted on a mobile device or iPad (like PowerChart Touch workflow)
Allow for clients to define which view (card or flowsheet) they would like to use by default, but the user can still switch between the card view and the flowsheet view. Recall user level preference based on latest selection of the card view or flowsheet view.
Review usability feedback in terms of displaying the flowsheet in a horizontal view vs. the vertical view that is available today.
Provide the ability to apply a label to what type of visit the prenatal card was - whether for OB or MFM or Virtual and easily differentiate between the types of visits. This could potentially be accomplished by displaying the location of the visit to provide context on the component. Consider a filter to only show a specific subset of visits.
We are proposing a snapshot of the Partogram be taken at a specific point in time (Partogram Stop) and saved off as a document type. This document type should show the graphical and flowsheet information as it displayed to the clinician when the patient was in labor, and should not be interactive. For any relevant clinical information that is displayed in a side panel through user interaction on the live partogram, this information should be available supplementary to the graphs or flowsheets as needed. This can display next to or below each relevant graph.
Feedback from User Research

Card View
The uplifted design solves many issues of pervious design with inconsistent layout and information overflow.
Also takes in care for accessible use of colors and representation of data across applications to maintain standardisation.
Card Design
The uplifted design solves many issues of pervious design with inconsistent layout and information overflow.
Also takes in care for accessible use of colors and representation of data across applications to maintain standardisation.
Card View with Updated Design and Timeline